Where can I buy TSP biodegradable dog waste bags?

We put all our energy into the development of good, environmentally friendly products. Our top priority is to produce high quality biodegradable dog waste bags with a modern design at affordable prices. All our attention is devoted to the product. Therefore, at the moment it is not possible for us to also run an excellent online shop.

We would like to give you the opportunity supporting our local partners to get our biodegradable poop bags from them.


Hariet & Rosie is a online and physical French store dedicated to dogs, cats and humans art of living. Created by Carole in Nantes in 2015, Hariet & Rosie offers premium goods from natural and grain free food to cosy and design scratching posts.
Every product is carefully selected depending on its materials, quality and origin.


You can also purchase our products at the TSP Shop on Amazon.de (external link).

If you are located in Germany, we would like to give you the opportunity to purchase our biodegradable dog waste bags from our selected German partner shops (link to the German version of this site).
