The Sustainable People
As a Hamburg based student I noticed while jogging through Hamburg´s green spaces and along it’s canals many dog waste bags laying along the roadside. As an angler I often found poop bags deep in the bushes and unfortunately often “caught” some of them in the Alster and Elbe. Shocked by the sheer number of plastic bags, the desire arose in me to solve this problem and minimize the negative impact on the environment.
It would be best if bags and dog droppings never even made into the environment (whether normal plastic or biodegradable ones) in the first place. As a part of my master´s thesis I started the Poop Bag Map and with this probably the biggest study on dog waste bags in the environment in order to create a bigger awareness of the problem. Using the acquired data I enabled cities and municipalities to optimize the garbage can locations and thereby reduce the littering of poop bags.
As part of my bachelor thesis I have developed bio-based, under local temperature conditions biodegradable dog waste bags for urban use. Following my studies I have continued to commit myself to this idea and as the CEO of the Sustainable People GmbH, I am doing everything possible to offer cities and communities environmental friendly alternatives to conventional dog waste bags. In the last few years, however, I received more and more requests from environmentally conscious dog owners whether our biodegradable dog waste bags can also be purchased privately. Therefore, we have decided to design a product especially for the needs of dog owners. You can see the result on these pages – I hope you like it!